


[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_city' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT * FROM hotel_city WHERE cityid = 193 LIMIT 0,1
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_city' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT Pid FROM hotel_city WHERE CityID = 193 LIMIT 0, 1
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_city' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT Pid FROM hotel_city WHERE CityID = 193 LIMIT 0, 1
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_city' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT * FROM hotel_city WHERE cityid = 193 LIMIT 0,1
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_keywords' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT k_pagename, k_page, k_title, k_keywords, k_description FROM hotel_keywords WHERE k_id = 3 LIMIT 0, 1
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_ad' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT * FROM hotel_ad WHERE ad_name = 'top_right' AND ad_state_radio<>3 ORDER BY ad_order DESC, ad_id DESC LIMIT 0,1
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_city' doesn't exist)] :
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_city' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT cityid, cityname, abcd FROM hotel_city ORDER BY ABCD ASC, hotelnum DESC
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_hotel' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT hotel_id, hotelname, picture, min_price, cbd_name, cityid, haoping FROM hotel_hotel WHERE cityid = 193 ORDER BY Px_commend DESC LIMIT 0, 5
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_cbd' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT * FROM hotel_cbd WHERE cityid=193 ORDER BY hotelnum DESC LIMIT 0,5
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_cbd' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT * FROM hotel_cbd WHERE cityid = 193 ORDER BY hotelnum DESC LIMIT 0, 15
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_chain' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT * FROM hotel_chain WHERE chain_id IN(SELECT chain_id FROM hotel_chainnum WHERE cityid=193) AND jibie = 0 ORDER BY hotelnum DESC LIMIT 0, 10
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_hotel' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT hotel_id,hotelname,min_price,cityid FROM hotel_hotel WHERE cityid=193 ORDER BY Px_hot DESC LIMIT 0, 10
[执行SQL语句(失败1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'state_radio=3 ORDER BY view_num ASC, aid ASC LIMIT 0, 10' at line 1)] :
SELECT title, time,content, class_id, aid, img FROM hotel_article WHERE  CityID=193 state_radio=3 ORDER BY view_num ASC, aid ASC LIMIT 0, 10
[执行SQL语句(失败1146 : Table 'vikihotel.hotel_city' doesn't exist)] :
SELECT cityid,cityname FROM hotel_city WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY hotelnum DESC,cityid ASC LIMIT 36